7 Questions That Begin Piecing Together The Rogue Star Vision

Rogue Star
4 min readAug 12, 2022

Fun gameplay, seamless blockchain integration, sensical economics and true player ownership have long been promised by games... But they continue to fall short. In most cases, very very short.

Soon our vision will start to come into focus for all to see :)

For today, lets cover 7 questions that the community asked in the recent AMA submission! Look close enough and you’ll begin to piece together the puzzle.


  1. Will there be more ways to earn points in the next Battlepass? And are there any planned changes to come?

Absolutely! We kept this Battlepass basic for the first “season” to see if the idea excited you.

We will add tons of new, more fun, ways to earn Rogue Points and the rewards are going to be next-level.

2. How many Capital Ship models will there be?

We don’t have a set number for capital ship models yet.

We’re going to start by making one capital ship for each capital “class”, which means we should have somewhere between 5–10 by the time we hit early access. If things go well we could have more, but owning a Capital Ship is meant to be a massive deal.

3. Will the Hyperium ships be ready for active gameplay at the same time as the Selenium and Prometheum Star Pass ships, or are these to come in a later update?

The Capital Ship included with the Hyperium pass will be playable at a later date.

We’ll do previews and demos for Capital Ships after the PvE demo release, and hope to have it playable for our next demo in some capacity. The Capital Ships are a complex combination or unique systems, so we will roll it out over time during development.

4. When can we use ships?

You will be able to fly around and kill enemies in the PvE demo as soon as we can conquer Solana in Stardust .

But… Ships aren’t just “a ship”, they are called “frames” that can be customized with “components” for improved speed, agility, power or precision. This is where the fun really gets started :)

Star Pass holders will receive a package of space fighting gear - The frame and a set of components (this will amount to around 5 in-game items)!

5. Wen staking? (Queue “Wen” gif)

We are doing internal testing and UI/UX updates right now. We will have more on staking in the next 2 weeks.

6. Why can we not stake Star Passes yet?

Providing a currency without any way to spend the currency is

  1. Illegal and
  2. Stupid

If we released a token and the only thing you could do with it is sell it, what are you likely to do? However, we have made big progress on how and where you can spend your NOVA!

7. Can I play Rogue Star without a wallet?

You can play our demo without a wallet right now. Just download it from our website and start playing!

In the “full game”, you will be able to login to Rogue Star and start playing without worrying about any blockchain BS.

Think of it like this: Your account does have a blockchain wallet, but it’s part of your game wallet. You can choose to ignore the blockchain part forever if you’d like.

This happens through the power of our partner, Stardust! Check them out to learn more — https://www.stardust.gg/.

BONUS: What is some news that I can get excited about over the next few months?

“I’ve been wanting to PLAY the game we’re making for almost 15+ years. We’ve released some demos and given people a taste of the game’s style and what we can do as a project, but not the game itself. That’s what August is all about to me. Everyone will finally get a taste of the real Rogue Star, and not have to wonder what makes us different or special any longer.” — Dan/KingLord/Our KingLord and Savior

In short…

  • Star Pass staking for $NOVA + a secret sauce to use $NOVA.
  • A playable experience that displays what “real” NFT integration can feel like; A glimpse into the future of web3 games.
  • The origin of the Rogue Star economy. Just the tip of the iceberg, but the start of something gamers and NFT enthusiasts can enjoy.
  • Welcoming “investor” participation, such as rentals.
New enemies await in deep space

Note: We received 20+ “gameplay” questions that we are still working on. A part 2 (maybe part 3?) will come ASAP!

That wraps it up for today. We will be back soon with “gameplay” questions. Cheers, gamers 🍻

